The Opening of Siemens gas turbines factory
Shoot a story for a blog about the opening of a Siemens gas turbine factory.
Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
The shooting was carried out during a press tour organized for journalists. I used a full-frame Nikon camera and lenses covering the focal length from 14 to 200 mm. I have great experience in industrial photography and like it, that's why I shot not only official events but also working processes at the factory.
The photos were published on my blog, where they got a lot of views and likes, I shared them with the TASS Agency and Kommersant. Some photos were also published by Siemens themselves in the news feed. Later we continued our cooperation with Siemens and photographed trheir transport and energy projects in Russia.
The Price of similar photography is from €65.50 per hour read more→
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