I haven’t had any clients to shoot an air show yet. If you like my vision of aviation, and other competencies, and have an exciting task write to me soon
Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, Russia
Shoot aircraft on the ground and in the air from different angles and locations. Enter aviation photography.

It is not an easy task to shoot something original, simultaneously with another hundred thousand people with mobile phones and long "telescopes". To do this, you need to work out not only shooting skills but also have valuable contacts, as well as study the locations of the air shows and find places without a crowd of other photographers at the same time. MAKS is a landmark event, which until recently was on par with such aviation exhibitions as Le Bourget and Farnborough. I have been shooting it regularly since 2011. For shooting, I use my standard set of optics, covering a focal length from 15 to 400 mm, and rent something more "long-range": telephoto lenses from 600 mm. Every MAX I discover myself some new shooting locations at the Gromov's airfield and around.
I did not shoot MAKS for specific customers, however, my photos were used in publications and photobanks by the TASS Agency, Kommersant, Aviaport Agency, the MAKS organizer, Rosoboronexport, and a number of other companies and media that use materials from the photobanks of the mentioned above.
The Price of similar photography is from €65.50 per hour read more→
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