The Aluminum recycling and wire rod production
The Client was Vtoraluminproduct. One of the largest metal recycling companies in Moscow (Russia).
The Client requested to take pictures of aluminum remelting and producing wire rods and ingots. The Pictures were needed for advertising on the website and social networks, and also for printing. I'm an industrial photography fan, it's my general direction of work, and I am very experienced in this area. So it was a pleasure to take pictures of one more interesting factory. It's the reason why the client chose me for this project.
I went to the factory and take pictures of the processes in detail. There was too hot near these ovens where the molten metal raged. My Nikon D810 started to burn my palms but we survived and made these pictures. As usual, I used stacking and battery-powered flashes to light every important detail and make bright sharp pictures in these dark and hot workshops. Finally, I edit the pictures in Affinity Photo.
The Client was amazed by the final pictures and ordered two more photo sessions of others in their factories later. Also, I did product photos of aluminum cans that they recycle.
The Price of similar photography is from €1265.50 read more→
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