Dolgoprudniy Distillery
Alcoholic drinks production
Dolgoprudniy Distillery, the company produces and pours alcoholic drinks, particularly the Vodka under "Filtrovka", "Our Traditions" and "Stuzha" brands.
Do industrial advertising photography at the factory and show beautifully the production process and the product itself.
I used Nikon D810 and battery-powered flashes. Mostly all processes occur in the closed tanks and pipes, and I did the interior shots there. I shot in HDR in the light rooms without additional lighting, and I use flashes for shadows and glares in the dark rooms, then I stitch pictures with different lights to get the desired result. The pour occurs on the conveyor fastly, and then I used a very short exposure and flashes to get different stages of bottle filling.
The Client uses the photos in their promo and internet, which rises the recognition of the brand. The customers get the opportunity to look behind the scenes with my photos, and it demonstrates the openness of the company and increases customer loyalty.
The Price of similar photography is from €595.50 read more→
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