Photography of new passenger carriages
The client was Transmashholding, the rolling stock manufacturing company, one of the biggest in Russia.
The client requested to take photos of new passenger carriages for presentation and advertising materials.
I went to Tver, where one of the company's factories, Tvervagonzavod (TVZ), was located. On the spot, I shot the exterior of the cars and the interior. The shot was taken on a Nikon D810 camera, then processed in Affinity Photo. Rechargeable flashes were used to highlight shadows, details, and models. The interiors were shot in HDR. I also shot a report at the Rizhsky railway station during the presentation of the cars to the management of Russian Railways and the Federal Passenger Company.
Pictures were edited and printed in booklets, also they were shown on screens during the presentation. "Roman approaches work creatively, offers new formats in photography, and performs his work at a high professional level", Mr. Ledenev Artem, the Deputy General Director for Communications of Transmashholding wrote in the review.
The Price of similar photography is from €660.35 read more→
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