Mitsubishi iMiev
Shooting an electric car for a blog post
Shoot an electric car during a test drive for a blog post.
I received an electric car for a test drive and decided not only to shoot it during rides but also to come up with something more unusual. I just caught the eye of a friend who studied at a design studio where they created the concept of futuristic costumes from a silvery material. I decided that it fits well with the appearance of the car. The weather during the test drive constantly fluctuated between frost and freezing rain, so we decided to hold the "model" photo session indoors. I used a Nikon D700 camera and two external flashes with wireless triggers. Photos edited in Adobe Photoshop.
Model: Vasilisa Chugunova.
The photo was taken in 2012.
The LiveJournal post attracted the interest of the followers both in the car and in the official dealer, the Rolf company.
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